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[lightbox parameters]My lightbox content[/lightbox]


Parameter Description Required Values Default
id ID of lightbox yes letters and numbers only (no spaces)
Class of lightbox
title Title of lightbox any text
width Maximum width of lightbox any number with unit (i.e. 700px, or 90%) 640px

How to trigger lightbox

The lightbox will remain hidden until it’s triggered. You can trigger the lightbox by creating a link with the proper id (the id you used in your lightbox shortcode) and adding the target=”lightbox” attribute, for example:

[lightbox id='mylightboxid']My lightbox content[/lightbox]
<a href="#mylightboxid" target="lightbox">Open lightbox</a>

How to link a Badge to a Lightbox:

1. In Site Options > Badges:
Set the “Link to External URL:” to the name of your lightbox, i,e. “mylightbox

2. In Appearance > Widgets, create a “Text” widget and drag it into the Footer region, insert this content:

[lightbox id="mylightbox" width='1000px']


[lightbox id="mylightbox" width='1000px']
<iframe width="100%" height="500" src=""></iframe>