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Icon / Icon set

[icon parameters]My Popover Content![/icon]

[iconset] Parameters

Parameter Description Required Values Default
align Alignment of icons no left, center, right none

[icon] Parameters

Parameter Description Required Values Default
icon Icon yes i.e. fa fa-facebook. See full icon list here none
size Size of icon no any number with unit (i.e. 5px) none
color Color of icon no any hex color or color name none
hover_color Hover color of icon no any hex color or color name none
background_color Background color of icon no any hex color or color name none
background_hover_color Background hover color of icon no any hex color or color name none
shape Shape of icon no circle, rounded, square none
popover_placement Position of popover no auto,top,right,bottom,left,top-right,top-left,bottom-right,bottom-left,auto-top,auto-right,auto-bottom,auto-left,horizontal,vertical auto