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[badges parameters]]


Parameter Description Required Values Default
orientation Set the orientation of the badges vertical, horizontal vertical
icon_color Color of icon any Hex or RGB color
icon_size Size of icon
icon_size_responsive_medium Size of icon (medium devices)
icon_size_responsive_small Size of icon (small devices)
icon_hover_color Color of icon any Hex or RGB color
icon_shape Shape of icon rounded, circle, square
icon_padding Padding around icon
(typically added when icon has a background color)
icon_background_color any Hex or RGB color
icon_background_hover_color any Hex or RGB color
icon_border_color any Hex or RGB color
text_size Size of text
text_size_responsive_medium Size of text (medium devices)
text_size_responsive_small Size of text (small devices)
text_color Color of text any Hex or RGB color
background_color any Hex or RGB color
background_hover_color any Hex or RGB color
border_style solid,dashed,dotted
border_width i.e. 1px
border_color any Hex or RGB color
border_radius i.e. 5px
box_shadow i.e. 0 0 10px #000
padding i.e. 10px
[[badge parameters]]


Parameter Description Required Values Default
title Label of badge yes Anything
href URL to link badge no Anything
target Target of link no _blank
rel Relationship no nofollow
icon Icon to be used, i.e. ‘fa fa-star’ no
icon_color Color of icon no any Hex or RGB color


Simple list of badges:


Horizontal badges:

[badges orientation='horizontal']

Manually defined badges:

 [badge title='My Badge Title' href='' icon='fa fa-star' ]
 [badge title='My Badge Title' href='' icon='fa fa-facebook' ]